Weekend Nuggets: Albany YEMs

12.9.95 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY < LINK

1995-12-09gnA classic show in the month of December ’95, is best known for its top notch version of YEM.  A half-hour of sublime jamming, some say this is the definitive version of the song.  While most attention is cast on this YEM, there is plenty of other highlights to go around.  A solid effort through and through.  If you don’t have this already, grab it now!

I: Maze, Theme From the Bottom, NICU, The Sloth, Rift, Bouncing Around the Room, Free, Billy Breathes, Dog Faced Boy, Chalk Dust Torture

II: Timber Ho!, Wilson*, Gumbo, You Enjoy Myself**, Lawn Boy, Slave to the Traffic Light, Crossroads, Sweet Adeline

E: Loving Cup

*With “Beavis and Butthead” “this sucks” electronic noises. **With a silent jam.


10.10.99 “Knickerbocker Arena,” Albany, NY < LINK

phish-albany-99-thumbThis tour ending show on the first leg of Fall ’99 never gets too much attention, yet I never understand why.  The band came on stage and opened the second set with an extended ambient jam that segued right into a massive opening YEM.  This show features heavy improv, not only in YEM, but in an ridiculous “Stash” and a “Bathtub Gin” used to bid the crowd farewell for a couple months.

I: Farmhouse, Gotta Jiboo, Heavy Things, First Tube, Dirt, Vultures, Stash

II: Jam > You Enjoy Myself* > Prince Caspian* > Train Song, Bathtub Gin, Character Zero#

E: Contact, Misty Mountain Hop

**Unfinished. #Trey thanked family, crew, and fans.


“YEM” jam:  12.9.95 Albany, Pt. 1

“YEM” jam Pt. 2

“YEM” jam Pt.3

11 Responses to “Weekend Nuggets: Albany YEMs”

  1. AWESOME! You never disappoint. I asked for Albany 2 days ago and it’s already up. Good lookin’ out Mr. Miner.


  2. The LIVEPHISH guys should have released this one as one of the 20 Pollock’s silver sleeves, instead of some other questionable choices. GREAT – famous – show.

  3. 12/9/95 – the only show where I was ever in the front row. But what a show – the Maze opener, Theme, Free and Chalkdust are all standouts in a great first set and the second set is obviously legendary. Timber Ho, Crossroads and a top notch Slave – wow. And the YEM of course. I had tears in my eyes during the silent jam – the boys were having so much fun and when they brought back the jam, Trey absolutely let rip. And all on one of the snowiest nights that winter. Albany was absolutely blanketed so the Knick felt especially cozy.

    10/10/99 – my sister’s birthday. The night before we’d been treated to what I thought was a very strong second set (for 99 at least – sorry I’m not as enamoured as some others of this vintage!). The Limb by Limb deserves seeking out. First set 10/10 picked up steam as it went along, after that strange Farmhouse opener. The Stash was great and portended great things from the second set. The space > YEM was great and they found a cool promising groove towards the end of the YEM, but didn’t do as much with it as I’d hoped they might. The Prince put a brief downer on things (for me at least). The Bathtub resurrected hope, but again, not as much came out of it as I’d hoped (although I will relisten now – it’s been a while). The Zero brought things back to the same place as the Caspian (sorry I was in a somewhat jaded phase by then in 99). Encore was great though. A great weekend in any event! Thanks for bringing highlighting these shows!

  4. themanatee Says:

    i love how many shows you realize you need to go back and listen to from your pages miner. it is the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season.

  5. Great picks . . Remember fishman playing the vacuum post gin jam? great use of the vacuum for a non-henrietta segment. thanks for all of these posts mr. miner. I would love for you to tackle the knick for a venue profile!

  6. Hey Mr.Miner,

    You seem to be pretty “in the know” about whats going on with the band these days. I’ve got a quick question. Other then the initial buzz it got, have you heard anything else about the petition to simucast the Hampton shows in theaters? I know theres just no way i can make it to Hampton, but along with a couple hundred thousand other heads, i’m dying to see the band bust out a first DWD> Mike’s>DWD ’nuff said

  7. The videos are a must watch, I was laughing out loud during the silent jam. Trey really reaches back for his inner Pete Townshend…..classic! I think that 12/1/2003 deserves a brief honorable mention when discussing the Knick (Pepsi). The Tweezer -> 2001 -> YEM second set opening combo was face melting. My buddy and I were in one of those handicap areas that were perfect for Phish dance parties. During 2001, aforementioned buddy was grooving a little too close to the railing and fell face first about 8 feet down to the rows below us. Luckily nobody was hurt and we got right back to grooving. This night was pretty snowy as well if I remember correctly. The nostalgic appearance of Jeff Holdsworth was pretty cool as well. I’m surprised no mention of the recently released remastered 12/30/97 Mr. Miner…You’ve been begging for this one for awhile if I’m not mistaken. How bout a brief review? Your posts everyday are a breath a fresh air in the hectic and stressful world we live in. Thank you Mr. Miner.

  8. What about in ’03 when Trey fell off the tramp and almost broke his ankle lol.

  9. Woodrow Wilson Says:

    Minor….you truly are a gift from God! I’ve been pestering you for the 10/10/99 Albany show for so long now that I probably drove you crazy. Even if it’s not the whole show, this YEM has always been my personal favorite-and I don’t usually like to rate songs/shows/etc…I can’t wait to download, chill out, and listen to this gem for the first time in nearly 10 years…Merry Christmas to all!!

  10. Woodrow Wilson Says:

    Oops, in my excitement to post, I didn’t realize that this is the whole show!! The Vultures, Stash, and short, but sweet Gin are all standout versions too. To be honest, the Stash is the penultimate version in my opinion….Happy Listening! Thanks again Minor

  11. Powder Lips Says:

    Miner, have you heard the Mikes from Deer Creek Summer 96′ lately?

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